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Saturday, June 18, 2011

postheadericon Skulls and Roses

Skulls and Roses

Supplies Needed

Scrap by: Addictive Pleasures which can be found here:

Tube of choice Im using Zlata_M which can be found here:

Font of Choice

Eye Candy(optional)

Vix mask with you can DL here:

Open a new image 600 x 600

Open feathers copy and paste as a new layer in the center of your canvas. Add drop shadow. 

Open the black glitter. Copy and paste as a new layer as I have on the canvas over the feathers. Add drop shadow. 

Open Frame 3 copy and paste as a new layer. 
Select the magic wand and click inside both of the frames. 
Selection modify expand by 3. 

Open paper 8. copy and paste as a new layer. Selections invert delete. Drag the paper
under the frame. Add drop shadow to the frame.

Open the decor copy and paste as a new layer under the frame. Duplicate and flip to make it looks as I have.
 Add drop shadow. 

Open the lace copy and paste as a new layer in the middle of the  frame as I have. 
 Add drop shadow. 

Open ribbon 3 copy and paste as a new layer Drag under the bottom left of the frame . Add drop shadow. 

Openthe leaves and copy and paste as a new layer toward the bottom of the frames. Duplicate mirror and place again
Add drop shadow. 

Openthe thorns copy and paste as a new layer under the leaves. Add drop shadow. 

Openthe rose resize by 150 copy and paste as a new layer  on each corner of the frame.Make sure it is above
the leaves.  Add drop shadow. 

Open heart 2 copy and paste on the right side of the frame. Add drop shadow. 

Open the spider resize by 200 copy and place as a new layer at the top left as I have. Add drop shadow. 

Open skull 2 resize by 200 copy and paste as a new layer at the top and bottom of the lace. Add drop shadow. 

Finally open tube of choice and place to you liking.Add drop shadow to the tube. 

Make sure that you put the correct copyright info on your tag.

Thats it for this tut!

Thanks so much for coming by and trying my tut!

My tut is just a guide please feel free to make it your own.

The possibilities are endless with this kit!


About Me

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Vikkey Edwards
Hi there! I am the mom of two great kids John David who is 11 and a daughter Cierra who is 10. I have been married to the love of my life for almost 11 years now. I have been in PSP for about 2 years now and im loving it! Thanks to a very special friend who pushed me to write tuts! Loves ya girlie! That's about it from me. Want to know anything else please feel free to ask me.! Want to contact me or show me the results of one of my tuts please email me @
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Susan Wolcott MPT Ismael Rac CILM PTE PFD CDO

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